
Vol.128 No.2 (2019)
Journal of Bioscience and
 出版社  (社)日本生物工学会

〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘2番1号
TEL 06-6876-2731
FAX 06-6879-2034
URL https://www.sbj.or.jp/

Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Gene Engineering

Biosynthesis of γ-aminobutyrate by engineered Lactobacillus brevis cells immobilized in gellan gum gel beads
Chang-Jiang Lyu, Lu Liu, Jun Huang, Wei-Rui Zhao, Sheng Hu, Le-He Mei, Shan-Jing Yao

Influence of α-1,3-glucan synthase gene agsE on protoplast formation for transformation of Aspergillus luchuensis
Jikian Tokashiki, Risa Hayashi, Shigekazu Yano, Taisuke Watanabe, Osamu Yamada, Hirohide Toyama Osamu Mizutani

Enzymology, Protein Engineering, and Enzyme Technology

Biochemical characterization of a β-N-acetylhexosaminidase from Streptomyces alfalfae and its application in the production of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine
Chenyin Lv, Tianyan Gu, Kaiyue Xu, Jingang Gu, Lingcong Li, Xiaonan Liu, Aidi Zhang, Shuangxi Gao, Wenjuan Li, Guogang Zhao

Wound healing activity and mechanism of action of antimicrobial and lipopolysaccharide-neutralizing peptides from enzymatic hydrolysates of rice bran proteins
Masayuki Taniguchi, Kazuki Saito, Ryousuke Aida, Akihito Ochiai, Eiichi Saitoh, Takaaki Tanaka

Biochemical characterization and mutational analysis of alanine racemase from Clostridium perfringens
Muhammad Israr, Guoping Lv, Shujing Xu, Yunhe Li, Shengting Ding, Baohua Zhao, Jiansong Ju

Pep-MS assay: Protease hydrolysis assay system using photo-cleavable peptide array and mass spectrometer
Masaki Kurimoto, Kazunori Shimizu, Hiroshi Ochi, Fumiaki Abe, Hiroyuki Honda

Microbial Physiology and Biotechnology

Identification of metabolic engineering targets for improving glycerol assimilation ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on adaptive laboratory evolution and transcriptome analysis
Kazuki Kawai, Yu Kanesaki, Hirofumi Yoshikawa, Takashi Hirasawa

Dense tracking of the dynamics of the microbial community and chemicals constituents in spontaneous wheat sourdough during two months of backslopping
Mugihito Oshiro, Rie Momoda, Masaru Tanaka, Takeshi Zendo, Jiro Nakayama

Brewing and Food Technology

Identification of enzymes from genus Trichoderma that can accelerate formation of ferulic acid and ethyl ferulate in collaboration with rice koji enzyme in sake mash
Toshihiko Ito, Anna Sato, Itsuki Takahashi, Takahito Ito, Kouto Takano, Koji Noge, Masaki Okuda, Katsumi Hashizume

Investigation of relationship between sake-making parameters and sake metabolites using a newly developed sake metabolome analysis method
Hisashi Yazawa, Masafumi Tokuoka, Hajime Kozato, Yutaro Mori, Miyuki Umeo, Rieko Toyoura, Ken Oda, HisashiFukuda, Kazuhiro Iwashita

Environmental Biotechnology

Biosynthesis of novel lactate-based polymers containing medium-chain-length 3-hydroxyalkanoates by recombinant Escherichia coli strains from glucose
Saki Goto, Ayaka Hokamura, Hideki Shiratsuchi, Seiichi Taguchi, Ken'ichiro Matsumoto, Hideki Abe, Kenji Tanaka, Hiromi Matsusaki

Biochemical Engineering

Application of liposome membrane as the reaction field: A case study using the Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons reaction
Toshinori Shimanouchi, Yuki Kitagawa, Yukitaka Kimura

Production of poly(3-hydroyxybutylate) by a novel alginolytic bacterium Hydrogenophaga sp. strain UMI-18 using alginate as a sole carbon source
Takahiro Yamaguchi, Joemark Narsico, Takanori Kobayashi, Akira Inoue, Takao Ojima

Cell and Tissue Engineering

Time-course colony tracking analysis for evaluating induced pluripotent stem cell culture processes
Kei Yoshida, Mika Okada, Risako Nagasaka, Hiroto Sasaki, Mai Okada, Kei Kanie, Ryuji Kato

Micro and ultrastructural changes monitoring during decellularization for the generation of a biocompatible liver
Ebtehal Ahmed, Tarek Saleh, Lina Yu, Ho-Hyun Kwak, Byeong-Moo Kim, Kyung-Mee Park, Yun-Suk Lee, Byung-Jae Kang, Ki-Young Choi, Kyung-Sun Kang, Heung Myong Woo

Biomedical Engineering

Ultrasonically-guided flow focusing generates precise emulsion droplets for high-throughput single cell analyses
Colton E. Lagerman, Sheila N. López Acevedo, Ahmed S. Fahad, Amen T. Hailemariam, Bharat Madan, Brandon J. DeKosky

Effect of extraction methods on the preparation of electrospun/electrosprayed microstructures of ★tilapia★ skin collagen
Chunhuan Bi, Xiaohui Li, Qi Xin, Wei Han, Cuiping Shi, Ruihua Guo, Wenzheng Shi, Ruirui Qiao, Xichang Wang, Jian Zhong


Proteomic study of bioactive peptides from tempe
Badrut Tamam, Dahrul Syah, Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono, Wisnu Ananta Kusuma, Shinjiro Tachibana, Hanifah Nuryani Lioe

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomics-based prediction of potato tuber sprouting during long-term storage
Tomohiko Fukuda, Kiyofumi Takamatsu, Takeshi Bamba, Eiichiro Fukusaki

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