Designing cellulolytic enzyme systems for biorefinery: From nature to application Recent developments in terminator technology in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Gel microdroplet-based high-throughput screening for directed evolution of xylanase-producing Pichia pastoris Purification and characterization of a glycoside hydrolase family 5 endoglucanase from Tricholoma matsutake grown on barley based solid-state medium Creation of stable and strictly regulated enzyme switch for signal-on immunodetection of various small antigens Improvement of the activity of l-asparaginase I improvement of the catalytic activity of l-asparaginase I from Bacillus megaterium H-1 by in vitro directed evolution
High-energy ball milling treatment of soybean for Bacillus thuringiensis culture media Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO)-mediated de novo synthesis of glycolate-based polyhydroxyalkanoate in Escherichia coli
Comparison of microbial community and metabolites in spontaneous fermentation of two types Daqu starter for traditional Chinese vinegar production
Guaiacol oxidation activity of herbivorous land crabs, Chiromantes haematocheir and Chiromantes dehaani Preparation of poly(lactic acid) from Prosopis juliflora and incorporation of chitosan for packaging applications
Exploring useful fermentation strategies for the production of hydroxyectoine with a halophilic strain, Halomonas salina BCRC 17875 Full-time dynamics of batch-wise enzymatic cycling system composed of two kinds of dehydrogenase mediated by NAD(P)H for mass production of chiral hydroxyl compounds Mechanism underlying the bioleaching process of LiCoO2 by sulfur-oxidizing and iron-oxidizing bacteria
Magnetically triggered transgene expression in mammalian cells by localized cellular heating of magnetic nanoparticles
Liver-specific extracellular matrix hydrogel promotes liver-specific functions of hepatocytes in vitro and survival of transplanted hepatocytes in vivo
gRNA-transient expression system for simplified gRNA delivery in CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing Evaluation of meter-long monolithic columns for selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry
Improvement of protein content and decrease of anti-nutritional factors in olive cake by solid-state fermentation: A way to valorize this industrial by-product in animal feed BIOWEB(R)サービスに関するお問い合わせ: |