Characterization of Zymomonas mobilis promoters that are functional in Escherichia coli
Thermostability enhancement of l-glutamate oxidase from Streptomyces sp. NT1 by full consensus protein design Biochemical characterization of a thermophilic exo-arabinanase from the filamentous fungus Rasamsonia emersonii Decolorization of cationic dyes under alkaline conditions by Iodidimonas sp. Q-1 multicopper oxidase Three 4-monosubstituted butyrolactones from a regulatory gene mutant of Streptomyces rochei 7434AN4
OFF-switching property of quorum sensor LuxR via As(III)-induced insoluble form Effects of fatty acid synthase-inhibitors on polyunsaturated fatty acid production in marine diatom Fistulifera solaris JPCC DA0580 Improving the organic solvent tolerance of Escherichia coli with vanillin, and the involvement of an AcrAB-TolC efflux pump in vanillin tolerance CRISPR/Cpf1-mediated mutagenesis and gene deletion in industrial filamentous fungi Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus sojae
Development of Monascus purpureus monacolin K-hyperproducing mutant strains by synchrotron light irradiation and their comparative genome analysis Quality changes of HomChaiya rice beer during storage at two alternative temperatures Exploring of seasonal dynamics of microbial community in multispecies fermentation of Shanxi mature vinegar
Effect of hydrothermal treatment on organic matter degradation, phytotoxicity, and microbial communities in model food waste composting
Novel hydrophobically modified agarose cryogels fabricated using dimethyl sulfoxide
Chemicals behind the use of Strombus tricornis opercula in traditional sudanese perfumery and medicine BIOWEB(R)サービスに関するお問い合わせ: |